Great Legal Marketing Advice

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Building a great legal marketing strategy doesn’t come easy. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know to get started with a great legal marketing strategy for your law firm or advisory company. What’s the difference between broad digital marketing a great legal marketing strategy? A digital marketing strategy is a strategic plan that outlines the way you’ll use your marketing resources to grow your business.


What Types of Legal Marketing Strategies work?

Depending on your core legal services, a great legal marketing strategy can vary case by case. Here are some examples of marketing strategies that you can use to grow your business:

  • Paid Search (PPC)
  • Content marketing
  • Social Selling (aka Linked Selling)
  • Email marketing

A great legal marketing strategy for Red Ensign services will effectively connect you with people and businesses who need your services before they even realize it. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can use a service like SalesForce or Hubspot to upload your client database so that you can distil the data which identifies your key client attributes. Great legal marketing consists of multiple channels including, paid media, banners, boosted content and direct messaging is another great way to reach out to your target audience if you know exactly who they are and your content is written with purpose. To attract great legal marketing corporate or enterprise clients, Social Selling predominantly on Linked In can be an effective and sustainable strategy, as long as your target personas are well defined. This is particularly useful for attorney marketing versus marketing than a large firm with endless practice areas


What Makes a Great Legal Marketing Campaign, even greater?

Target Personas are the key to any great legal marketing campaign. Much like marketing for financial services companies, if you’re trying to sell any legal service to anyone, you’re doing it wrong. It’s helpful to understand the nuances of businesses or individuals who are already familiar with your firm’s core services, even those who have experienced it from a competitor. If you don’t know who these people are, you’re going to waste time and money in the long run. So, the key to any great legal marketing campaign is understanding who your ideal client is to look at your existing client base at a granular level.


How online channels fit into a Great Legal Marketing Campaign?

If you’re looking for B2B clients, LinkedIn will outperform pretty much everything, but it has to be done in a thoughtful, and engaging way. A good place to start is by analyzing your competitors’ social media channels. What they are saying and who is responding. Depending on whether your services are DTC or B2B, in your great legal marketing campaign you might follow firms on LinkedIn, Google My Business, or Facebook. LinkedIn will give you more insight if you’re B2B litigation or corporate law firm,  while Google and Facebook are more appropriate for individuals looking for a divorce or personal injury and lawyers


Final Thoughts on a Great Legal Marketing Strategy

For a great legal marketing strategy to work, knowing who brings the most bang for your buck will allow you to focus your messaging for that particular persona. It is also important to be consistent. A lot of times when we start new content marketing campaigns, we think about different ways to talk about the same things over and over again, but it’s not always true. It is important to have a consistent message, but it’s even more important that it’s visible to the right personas. If your audience can’t relate to your message, it’s all for nothing. Find out who your target personas are, or can be. Talk to a marketing expert today.