
How to Build Brand Awareness Online

Making sure your brand has a strong online presence is important for your business. Learning how to build brand awareness online, is a process that never ends.

It’s not only easy to Build Brand Awareness Online but also a cost-effective way to promote your business. It reduces the need for companies to invest thousands of dollars for ad space in print magazines, billboards, or sponsorships. Also, in the digital world, a small business can use the same effective online marketing techniques as major corporations.

person holding iPhone taking picture on Nike label

What is Digital Brand Awareness? 

Brand awareness is the level of awareness a consumer has of a brand. There are different ways to measure brand awareness, such as social visibility, product knowledge, awareness of the company culture, awareness of the logo, and awareness of the advertising campaigns. Digital brand awareness is thought of for brands developed specifically to screens, whether it is content, video, social media, or products. 

Will your Digital Marketing Strategy Build Brand Awareness online?

To answer this, we begin by assessing your organization and customers to determine which digital marketing strategies will work best for you. Depending on your niche market, target demographic, and existing customer base, some strategies to build brand awareness online appeal more than others. 

For example, if you are a B2B organization, you can create branded digital ads, and customize online campaigns to a precise paid-search audience.  If you are B2C, you can create and customize social media campaigns. 

Going even further into B2C, If your target demographic is fashionistas or style junkies, you should produce branded social media templates to help you showcase your products on the more visual social media platforms.

woman in blue bralette holding sunglasses putting on her eyes

Establish Yourself and Be Responsive to Potential Customers to Improve Brand Awareness

It requires more than a few marketing tactics to build awareness and create a brand.  The key is to be authentic, and use customer engagement to build trust and credibility in your brand. Brands are built on trust, and trust is built through consistent, quality messaging.  Have a strong personality and be accessible to potential customers.

When you establish your brand, you put a ‘face’ to your business name within the world of your ideal buyer persona. Online, your brand awareness is critical, as people easily search and find or become aware of your company and products through a series of clicks.

You need to be able to create a distinguished and credible ‘face’ for your brand. Utilize your website, emails, and social media pages to communicate who your brand is and what it is you do, which sets you apart from competitors.

Customer Engagement is Essential to Maintain Brand Reputation

Do your research to discover where your customers are on the internet, and make your brand present there too. Engage with customers on social media to build your brand’s identity and credibility. 

Use tools like Google Alerts to discover what is being said about your brand and respond to the feedback. Brand awareness is not always positive. You should be aware of what is being said about your brand, and be willing to resolve negative interactions with your brand, especially online.

As brands “put themselves out there,” they are thrust into public opinion, and even a small, scathing review can have a big impact on your digital brand appearance, regardless of the size of your business or whether your, a small Mom and Pop, or a Multinational.

You’ll be able to establish and maintain relationships by engaging in conversation through various types of posts, which in turn lead to an increased ROI. By hiring Digital Marketing experts, you can craft easy ways to stay on top of communication on multiple channels.

How Content Can Build Brand Awareness Online

The digital world offers the opportunity for small businesses to build brand awareness quickly. Regular content production such as blogs and newsletters, infographics, interactive content, polls, and social posting are all ways to attract customers to your business.

By supporting your business and products with well-researched information, you increase your credibility as industry experts. Use captivating visuals to reel in the attention of potential customers, and you’ll have more people sharing your content, and recommending your products and services, for free.

If you are new to the brand awareness game, don’t worry! We can help, get in touch!